Production Facilities

Testing Facilities / Laboratory
Machining Shop for cutting and machining of test specimen / test coupons with automatic and semi-automatic CNC machines

Testing Facilities / Laboratory
DWT: Drop Weight Tear Tester for fracture control testing – capable of testing full size specimen up to thickness 38.1 mm for X65MS and reduced size for heavier wall.
HIC / SSC: State of the art inhouse testing and R&D facilities including a fully equipped laboratory for corrosion testing to NACE TM284 (HIC / SSC) and client specifications

Testing Facilities / Laboratory
Extensive Testing Facilities are available in the in house laboratory and test center adjoining the pipe factory. Hardness testing, Charpy V-Notch Impact Test, Bend Test, Tensile Test incl. Tensile Test at elevated temperature, CTOD testing and chemical analysis with ONH & CS Analyzer.

AGPC is committed to protecting the environment and community and providing a safe and healthy workplace for all its employees, contractors and stakeholders.